Sara Parant

How to Minimize Waste As You Clean Out Your Closets
If you're like me, you're finding yourself with an urge to purge and declutter your home to start off the new year. Especially at a time when more families are packaging up and moving, spending extra time in the home, and maybe even buying more toys to keep the family entertained than we normally would, it’s important to be mindful of what’s being tossed into landfills all over the world. I’ve compiled a list of ways to be kind to the planet and avoid the “out of sight, out of mind” trash can, as we clean out our closets this year:...
Sara Parant

6 Ways to Boost Your Confidence as a New Parent
Whether you have read all of the parenting books, or still haven't opened one, you are going to have questions and concerns as a new parent. Don’t worry. You're not alone! It’s natural to be feeling a bit unsure about this whole parenting thing. Below are some ways to build your own confidence as a new parent as you settle in at home. 1. Go with your mama intuition. Sure, it's important to follow guidelines when it comes to feeding and sleeping, but, don't underestimate your own intuition. We have seen first-time parents get caught up in rigid schedules, because that's what the coach told them to do, or what worked for...
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